Monday, 25 February 2013

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

We have all heard this slogan many times...but is it true?

Yes! Including an apple into your diet everyday can indeed “keep the doctor away!”
Eating the whole fruit (including the seeds), you are obtaining extremely high concentrations of essential vitamins, minerals, fats, enzymes, and proteins.

The seeds in the center of the core are a very rich source of necessary nitrilosides or B17. This nutrient has become deficient in the western diet and deficiencies have been shown and proven to cause cancer. It’s a shame the medical industry has suppressed this information from the public…..but not surprising.

Some foods rich in nitrilosides/(B17) are apricot seeds (inside pit), apple seeds, grasses, millet, the seeds inside cherry pit, nectarine pit, peach pit, and plum pit, sorghum molasses, macadamia nuts, lentils, barley, garbanzo beans, grass fed animals.
*Use a nut cracker to crack open the fruit pit. 

Back in the "old" days, they made home-made jams and preserves with the seed included, fruit brandy's were made with the entire fruit including seed, grass fed animals, grass fed butter, and grass fed milk were eaten, "seedless" produce didn't exist, & unprocessed grains like millet, & buckwheat, and barley were a staple in the diet.... no wonder cancer was almost non-existent.
Even domesticated animals know to eat grass because they are not receiving the nitrilosides in their diet of processed kibble. My dogs love the leftover pulp from my wheatgrass after I juice it! 
Even monkeys know to break apart a fruit and crack the pit open to obtain the seed first...then they will eat the fruit.
 Also, in the creation of mankind, we are even told to eat every plant & fruit that yields seed for food to eat. 

The apple pectin (the necessary fiber of apple), helps maintain intestinal balance. It helps prevent absorption of toxic heavy metals in the intestinal tract and carries them out of the body.

The raw enzymes in the raw apple supply our bodies with life! Raw enzymes from food improve health, and strengthens the immune function. When raw food is eaten with a cooked meal, it helps the digestion process and takes the burden off your pancreas to produce its own enzymes.
People who eat enzymeless diets put a great strain on their pancreas and other digestive organs resulting in shorter lifespan, illness, disease, and lowered resistance to all types of stresses.

The apple peel even has benefits.....Vit C and abundant anti-oxidants!

Hopefully the next time you bite into an apple, you will appreciate the complexity of this "simple" fruit.....and eat the whole thing! :)