What is the best way to stay trim and healthy without dieting? Here are 11 key tips to help..... These principles should be applied for life!
1- Proper sleeping and eating schedule. Very important! You should be eating and sleeping roughly at the same times everyday for proper hormonal balance, bowel regularity, and health. (also, lack of sleep contributes to added fat ) Did you know night shift work is actually one of the most detrimental sources of ill health?
2- Learn how to deal with stress and if possible eliminate it! This is the biggest killer of health.....it messes up the hormonal system while adding extra pounds of flab, and also reduces life span. Sometimes we need to evaluate our lives, figure out what's important, and if possible eliminate some "cancerous" situations.....job, friends, acquaintances, spouse relationship, etc.
3- Eat only fruit in the morning roughly until noon. Our body's are in an elimination process approx. from 4am -Noon. When we eat too much heavy food in the morning, it interferes with this process. (In the winter, you may do a warm broth or blended soup). This morning routine can increase your energy and is a great way to keep regular bowel habits. (eliminating at least once a day is a must!)
4- Food combine. Eat proteins and starches seperate from each other. If you are having a meat, fish, or egg dish, eliminate the starch (potato, rice, pasta, bread, etc). If you want a starch, have that as the main part of your meal and eliminate the protein. Also have a raw dish with it (salad or cut up raw vegetables) and some steamed vegetables.
5- Always start with something raw before eating your meal....ex: have some bites of your salad or raw veggies first before consuming the cooked food. This supplies your body with needed raw enzymes for proper and easy digestion.
6- Do not eat after 8pm! Your body should not be digesting food when you are winding down for the evening and getting ready for sleep. When we sleep, the body's job is to repair & heal. The more time the body spends digesting, the less time for healing!
7- Never drink with meals. No exceptions. When you drink with meals, you are diluting your digestive juices which impairs digestion. Alcohol is the worst, but even water is a no-no. Wait at least an hour (or more) after you eat before consuming any liquid.
8- Stay hydrated during your day (away from meals) .....drink herbal teas, fresh vegetable or fruit juices (not bottled), & pure water with fresh lemon. If it is hard for you to drink water, try putting a berry flavored herbal tea bag in a jug of water and keep it in the fridge. A nice, natural iced tea with no sugar! Also consuming raw fresh fruit & veggies helps stay hydrated due to its high water content.
9- Consuming healthy fat on a regular basis! Our body's are made from fat......do not think that real fat makes you fat! Steer clear of fat free products which are loaded with chemicals and sugars! (these actually make you fat & unhealthy)
We need all different sources of fats to stay healthy.....ex: raw nuts, raw seeds, avocado, organic butter, raw virgin coconut oil, MCT oil, flax oil, good quality cod liver oil, unrefined vegetable & nut oils, & organic egg yolks.
10- Reduce or eliminate white refined sugar intake, corn and glucose syrups, & aspartame! (all artificial sweeteners) Check your labels. These not only contribute to weight gain, but also to diseases & ailments of the body.
11- Go for a brisk walk everyday for at least 20-45min.(outside and/or treadmill) Do not stroll. You should be sweating when you are done.Take advantage of hilly areas. Also adding some strength training should be considered at least 3x a week.
Check out some of Cathy's other health tips!
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