Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Nervous about using herbs?

Herbs have a long history throughout the beginning of time as healers and are completely safe for us to use.....contrary to what you have been told. These are actually the first true medicine or "conventional" medicine of humanity. They have been used to prevent & treat disease, illness, discomforts, & injuries. They can be used internally as a tincture, tonic, syrup, tea, or in capsule form, and externally as a poultice & compress, or infused in oil for salves, ointments, oils, & creams.
It always boggles my mind how people can say that  "herbs may be dangerous" or they better check with their doctor before taking anything natural....huh?
But we don't think anything of it to run to the doctor or pharmacist to get the new drug of the moment or the name brand drug that has a loooonnng list of unnatural side effects and has been proven to harm and even kill people. Hmmmmm........?
Do you ever see or hear of people over dosing on herbs? How about becoming addicted to them? or getting another illness or major side effect from taking them? Count how many deaths per year from taking a natural herb that grows in nature or that you can grow in your garden......close to none!
There are hundreds of thousands of deaths each year alone just from taking pharmaceutical drugs! And our media, government, and medical system has the gall to tell us to stay away from those "evil" herbs.
It's absurd! People seem to forget that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar BUSINESS.....Yes that's what it is, a BIG business.

How far off we have come that we avoid natural foods, fruits & vegetables, and natures herbs & spices to stay healthy and disease free. It's a sad state.
People need to rearrange their thinking, use common sense, and stop believing the propaganda from these companies.
My daughter is 17 years old, and I think I can count on 1 finger how many times I have taken her to a medical doctor. ( it was actually to the hospital when she broke her leg)..... (oh, and when she was born - so 2 times)
If she gets sick, we let it run its course like the human body was designed to do. (so far, she has never even had an antibiotic!) We use some beneficial herbal tinctures, essential oils, colloidal silver water, home remedies which are right in our own cupboards & fridge, and some common sense.
Too many people are scared of their own bodies, and do not believe it is self healing if it is treated with respect. I know of people who preach health to people, but when push comes to shove, they get scared and head to the doctors office or drug store.
I'm not saying the doctor or medical system does not have a purpose. Of course they do, and I am grateful that they have the technology to help save a life if we are in an accident, to set a broken bone, to have a  blood transfusion, help with childbirth, to receive stitches, etc.... But people have become dependant on the system for their over all "health".

We've all heard the terms "conventional" and "alternative" medicine.....why is herbal medicine considered "alternative" when it is the first true medicine? Herbs are proven healers, but I guess you can't  patent nature and make billions.......something to think about.

I once heard a quote from a healthy man who was over a hundred years old. Someone asked him what his secret to a long healthy life was, and his response was....... "I stay away from the doctors & their drugs".
Sounds like some good advise. :)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Supplements or Food?

Did you ever wonder why so many people spend so much money on "health" supplements? I must confess, I have fallen into the supplement trap quite a few times myself, but always seem to come back to my senses. My common sense knowledge, and research, tells me that there is nothing that comes close to our Creators food that has been miraculously designed for us. Everything that is grown for us, has it's nutrient profile in exact ratios that are meant for our bodies to assimilate, thrive, and to stay healthy and disease free..... When we are sick, diseased, or have an annoying ailment,  it is from a lack of proper food nutrients from real, living food, not a pill or a supplement deficiency!

In my opinion, isolated vitamin supplements that are created in a lab can be very acidic to our bodies and are hard to properly digest and assimilate...not to mention the unacceptable fillers, colours, binders, and preservatives they include. Our bodies were not designed to consume isolated nutrients that are missing an astounding number of important co-nutrients (most we don't even know about) that work together for proper assimilation.......You can never duplicate nature.

Sometimes we may feel we need to include an isolated nutrient into our diet to help overcome a specific ailment or disease.....that's fine for an emergency or to take for a short time. But in fact, we should be trying to heal ourselves with proper living raw foods and a natural whole foods diet, not taking overpriced supplements thinking they are going to permanently fix the problem.
The problem is, our diets are based on way too much overly cooked foods, microwaved foods, processed starches and grains, factory farmed meat, farmed fish, animal by products and processed meats, eating scavenger animals like pork & shellfish, eating fake vegan "meats", commercial factory eggs, fried foods, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, regular table salt, alcohol, coffees, soda pop and Slurpees, pasteurized dairy products, isolated soy products, artificial flavourings, artificial sweeteners, artificial colours, refined and bleached oils, hydrogenated oils, bottled fruit juices, candies, cookies, chips, crackers, muffins, foods in a can and box, meal replacement shakes, meal replacement bars, and of course synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.....No wonder our health is in a crisis and disease is rampant. What would you expect?

People will often use the, "in moderation or balance" reasoning, but they don't understand that if you eat a little bit of these foods everyday, that this is not "balance",  this is actually your diet! Why would I want to "balance" my healthy diet with junk?
Yes, none of us are perfect and we all want a treat once in a while, but we must strive for a clean, unadulterated diet MOST of the time to keep our bodies functioning like they were designed to do..... then we can afford to have something we shouldn't occasionally.
Remember, YOU are the one in charge of your health and body, NOBODY else....... not a supplement company, pharmaceutical company, your government, or your doctor.
We need to stop blaming "genetics" or "bad luck", and get back to the natural principles of eating........ we have been given the god given tools to be healthy, it just depends on what you choose to do with it.

Cathy Francilia: www.cathys-corner.ca

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Why use Essential Oils?

Have you ever wondered what the big deal is with essential oils?
When I first started using them about 20 years ago, it was mainly just for the smell. I knew very little about them but just knew the smell of them gave me such a nice peaceful feeling. I started off with just the basics, like orange, peppermint, and of course lavender, but never really knew the full benefits of each one.
What most people don't realize is the physiological and psychological healing properties of  essential oils and that they have a multitude of uses. Each one being unique.
They contain highly concentrated extracts, hormones, vitamins, and antiseptics and can act as a non-dangerous medicine in the body with its antibiotic properties. They can be inhaled, ingested, or applied to the body through atomizing diffusers, misters, baths, saunas, massage, salt scrubs, compresses, facial steam baths, masks, and add to lotions, gels, cream, and oils. The essential oils are absorbed through the skin and membranes, penetrating deep into the tissues and circulatory system.
They can be ingested for digestion or infection by mixing with oil, alcohol, herbal tea, honey, or in capsule form. (there are different opinions on taking them internally, so do your own research before taking)
 - Remember, you only need a drop or two as they are very powerful concentrated oils!

I always have oils either burning in a diffuser (with water), in an atomizing diffuser, or using as a spray throughout my house. I use them everyday in so many things! When using essential oils in an atomizing diffuser, droplets of essential oils can last in the air for several hours leaving antiseptic and deodorizing properties! They actually boost your body's immune system, so you come down with less colds and flu....that's motivating :)
Blending certain essential oils together can be created for different issues or used singly for, emotional (uplifting or calming), sleeping difficulties, fighting infections, PMS symptoms, circulatory, respiratory, disinfectant, or just to use as a therapeutic "perfume".
Aromatherapy works great when used as a complimentary therapy with other types of holistic treatments as it strengthens the effectiveness of the treatment. (except homeopathic treatments, as the oils cancel out the effects of the homeopathic remedies)

BUT, beware of imitation and synthetic oils which do more harm than good, as they do not contain any healing or therapeutic properties...it is impossible to replicate the intricate chemical components of true essential oils! Synthetic scents can actually create very negative emotional reactions, lower your body's immunity, and cause allergies.

I suggest incorporating these miraculous essential oils into your lifestyle for the health of your body and mind!

Cathy Francilia
Certified Aromatherapist

Thursday, 6 September 2012

How to achieve healthy Skin?

People are always looking for the next new "magic" potion to slather on their face, no matter what the cost or what the ingredients may be. What we get is just fancy packaging, expensive marketing, and maybe a famous face promoting it, and we usually fall for it! What we don't realize, is that it's just the same old concoction of a cancer causing chemical stew, with a few miniscule amounts of the next new "super" ingredient! No thanks......
Many people do not realize that it is our lifestyle first, that affects the look and feel of our skin. People usually want a special "secret" instead of changing the way we live.We live a self indulgent lifestyle that is making us sick and tired, and then we wonder why we feel and look the way we do.

If you want to obtain healthy and radiant looking skin, you may need to make a few changes.
Obviously smoking and consuming alcohol is the most detrimental thing we can do for our health....But someone or the next "scientific study" will try and convince you that having a glass or two everyday is beneficial for your health...There is nothing in alcohol that benefits your health in any way.

Regularly eating processed, packaged foods and white refined sugar is another way to destroy our health (and skin). What used to be a real food has been stripped of any nutritional value and actually depletes nutrients from our own body. (among other things).

We MUST eat plenty of RAW fruits (in season), and RAW vegetables (at least 50-75%). This is a must for a healthy body and skin! We need all the raw enzymes from these so our bodies do not have to use our own reserves. (Our body enzymes do not regenerate themselves, so once they are gone they are gone! This definately speeds up the aging process and future digestive disorders and disease) So make sure you eat something raw with EVERY cooked meal....Taking a supplemental enzyme is good for a last resort when you do not have access to anything real and raw (when travelling etc..)
Juicing is also an unbelievable way to boost our overall health!

Another very important one is SLEEP! We need good quality, undisturbed sleep every night. We can only achieve that by going to bed at least no later than 10:30pm. It is the hours we get before midnight that count. Our body works on different cycles that occur at different times throughout the evening...so if we miss one by staying up too late or having a crappy, restless sleep, you can't make up for it! So that means lights out by 10:30.
There are many things we can do to relax and unwind before bed, like reading, having a relaxing bath or sauna, or a partner massage.(NOT working at the computer at 10:00PM like I am doing right now!)

Low fat diets are another skin killer....we NEED fats in our diet (obviously from healthy food sources) .....Plus, most "low fat" items are loaded with MORE white sugar and chemicals! Go for the real thing, thats what the body recognizes as food!

Then there is water. Obviously being hydrated is key.....pure, clean water is the best way to stay hydrated (especially if we haven't consumed enough raw foods during the day) and it keeps the skin looking great! Herbal teas, raw coconut water, and fresh live juices are other ways to stay hydrated and healthy without hindering the natural workings of the body.
 If we are eating enough raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day, we will not have the need to drink as much water. There is nothing like getting your pure organic water from real living fruit and veggies!

And lastly, cleaning with a gentle natural cleanser with minimal or no chemicals, and using a clean, natural moisturizer every day. (preferably made from organic oils, with no waxes, fillers, or chemicals - which I just happen to make and sell :)

So, hopefully you will incorporate a few of these changes into your lifestyle for healthy looking skin. But more importantly, for your overall health and well being.


Friday, 17 August 2012

Why juicing?

I have been juicing for 17 years, and absolutely love the results! I do this first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, to flood my body and cells with life giving nutrients and organic water.
What an awsome way to start the day!
Fresh juices should always be treated as a food, so I never gulp these drinks, but sip them slowly, swishing a few times to mix with my own digestive enzymes before swallowing. I do not recommend juicing fruit as it's high sugar content releases into our system too quickly. (unless it is as a treat once in a while) The full fruit I would save for eating, as the fibres slow down the release of the sugars. BUT, if you can't get used to the vegetable juice and truly don't like it, then juicing fruit is better than not having any juice at all. Over time, slowly start to add different vegetables to the fruit juice until the bulk of it is vegetable. (carrot is always a favorite for newbies because it is very sweet and palatable.)
But, I definately recommend juicing all kinds of vegetables, especially with the addition of herbs and greens! Fresh vegetable juices can cure all sorts of ailments and diseases, from pimples to cancer!

Over the years I have heard many people say "I would rather eat the vegetables or take a supplement". Yes, eating fresh vegetables is obviously a great idea, but by also adding fresh juices to your diet, you can greatly improve your overall health by flooding your cells with easily assimilated nutrients. By incorporating fresh juices into your diet, you are supplying your body with abundant, powerful healing nutrients, enzymes, atoms, and mollecules that a lab cannot duplicate in a supplement! By only eating the vegetable, don't think you are getting more nutrients because you are eating the "full" vegetable.......The cells of the fibres MUST be split open to obtain the enzymes, atoms, mollecules, etc, and in order to do that they need to be properly pulverized! (teeth cannot properly do the job) Anyways, you would have to eat plate fulls of vegetables to get the same nutrients as a juice AND since most people eat way too fast and do not chew their food properly, that would be impossible!
The pulp (fibres) that are left over after juicing, basically have no nutritional value and can be thrown out. (The pesticides and sprays are found in the pulp, so it is best not to use it for food)

I suggest skipping the coffee in the morning and substitute it with a real, live vegetable juice....Try it, it may change your life.  :)
When someone asks me to give them ONE thing that they should do for their health, juicing is always my answer!

  **For optimal juice, A proper Triturator juicer should be used, not a Centrifugal**


Monday, 13 August 2012

Does your dog's food matter?

2 years ago, I started to make home-made food for my dogs. They were raised on dry kibble like most dogs and I never really thought much about it. I was purchasing $80 bags of "holistic" dry food. At the age of 9, my Golden Retriever was starting to take longer going up the stairs, getting in and out of our truck, she had a yeast build-up in her ears, she was getting a few decayed teeth, and was very lethargic and lazy. (she was always pudgy, but I thought she was just "big boned"). I thought this was just normal for a 9 year old dog. My other dog, a 4 year old border collie crossed with an Australian shepherd, always had itchy infected eyes, and runny, bloody stools.
It was actually by accident that I started to make their food. We ran out of food one day, and I couldn't make it out to purchase a bag of their "holistic" brand, so I decided to make them some brown rice, organic eggs, mixed with some finely grated vegetables, ground flax, a few herbs, and a dollop of organic plain yogurt. I did that for about a week, and in that short of time, my Collie's allergy symptoms vanished completely!.....So, I kept going (as time went on, changing the recipe to include organic ground chicken or turkey, and eliminating the grain) In the matter of a few months, my dogs completely changed. They were healthy, energetic, they had easy to pass and well formed stools, eyes and ears cleared up, they smelled cleaner, decayed teeth re-mineralized and healed, and they became nice and lean. People would constantly ask me "how old my puppy" was when they saw my Golden! So after roughly 8 months, I slowly started to feed them canned organic food. Our busy schedule stopped us from taking the time to cook up their food, and in the matter of about 4-5 months their health had gone down the tubes. :(
So now I am back at it! How could I not?
Animals are not meant to eat dry, artificial, processed food.....It is not natural for our animals to be diagnosed with "human" diseases and illnesses. As a matter of fact, it is not natural for humans to be afflicted with disease and illness either, but that is a reflection of the artificial, processed foods we consume as well. If we continue eating this way, we will have to pay the price sometime.

Click here to see home-made dog food recipe!

Cathy Francilia: www.cathys-corner.ca