Did you ever wonder why so many people spend so much money on "health" supplements? I must confess, I have fallen into the supplement trap quite a few times myself, but always seem to come back to my senses. My common sense knowledge, and research, tells me that there is nothing that comes close to our Creators food that has been miraculously designed for us. Everything that is grown for us, has it's nutrient profile in exact ratios that are meant for our bodies to assimilate, thrive, and to stay healthy and disease free..... When we are sick, diseased, or have an annoying ailment, it is from a lack of proper food nutrients from real, living food, not a pill or a supplement deficiency!
In my opinion, isolated vitamin supplements that are created in a lab can be very acidic to our bodies and are hard to properly digest and assimilate...not to mention the unacceptable fillers, colours, binders, and preservatives they include. Our bodies were not designed to consume isolated nutrients that are missing an astounding number of important co-nutrients (most we don't even know about) that work together for proper assimilation.......You can never duplicate nature.
Sometimes we may feel we need to include an isolated nutrient into our diet to help overcome a specific ailment or disease.....that's fine for an emergency or to take for a short time. But in fact, we should be trying to heal ourselves with proper living raw foods and a natural whole foods diet, not taking overpriced supplements thinking they are going to permanently fix the problem.
The problem is, our diets are based on way too much overly cooked foods, microwaved foods, processed starches and grains, factory farmed meat, farmed fish, animal by products and processed meats, eating scavenger animals like pork & shellfish, eating fake vegan "meats", commercial factory eggs, fried foods, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, regular table salt, alcohol, coffees, soda pop and Slurpees, pasteurized dairy products, isolated soy products, artificial flavourings, artificial sweeteners, artificial colours, refined and bleached oils, hydrogenated oils, bottled fruit juices, candies, cookies, chips, crackers, muffins, foods in a can and box, meal replacement shakes, meal replacement bars, and of course synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.....No wonder our health is in a crisis and disease is rampant. What would you expect?
People will often use the, "in moderation or balance" reasoning, but they don't understand that if you eat a little bit of these foods everyday, that this is not "balance", this is actually your diet! Why would I want to "balance" my healthy diet with junk?
Yes, none of us are perfect and we all want a treat once in a while, but we must strive for a clean, unadulterated diet MOST of the time to keep our bodies functioning like they were designed to do..... then we can afford to have something we shouldn't occasionally.
Remember, YOU are the one in charge of your health and body, NOBODY else....... not a supplement company, pharmaceutical company, your government, or your doctor.
We need to stop blaming "genetics" or "bad luck", and get back to the natural principles of eating........ we have been given the god given tools to be healthy, it just depends on what you choose to do with it.
Cathy Francilia: www.cathys-corner.ca
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